Where To Flee
The Mexico Move Book for 2025 Edinburgh ScotlandVillage of Crail in Fife ScotlandStreet in EdinburghRailway Bridge at Firth of Forth ScotlandRuins at St Andrews Scotland
Social Security Screening Tool for foreign residency | The US State Dept Travel Advisory (interactive map)


Population of Scotland: 5,463,300, (Source: Eurostat 2019)

Crail Scotland

The official language of Scotland is Scottish Gaelic and English, though Modern English is easily the dominate tongue, with "Scottish Gaelic" and "Modern Scots" having a regional presence.

How many Americans in Scotland?

The number of foreign born persons in Scotland, estimated in a 2018 government report (Annual population survey APS Office of National Statistics).

Scotland origin population numbers

Poland 99,000
Republic of Ireland 21,000
Italy 15,000
France 12,000
Latvia 12,000
India 16,000
Pakistan 14,000
China 12,000
United States of America 10,000
Nigeria 10,000

Visiting Scotland

United States visitors

For American citizens, visiting Scotland is a simple affair with an automatic privilege of staying up to six months without the need for a special visa other than the passport shown during entry. Americans are the largest national group that tours Scotland (and this is perhaps not surprising since 8% of the population of the United States is estimated to have Scottish ancestry, that's well over 25 million people* though only 5,310,285 explicitly claim direct Scots identification. This dynamic means the "clan societies" in the USA are numerous, and annual Scots festivals are held in many individual states.).

EU, EEA, Swiss citizens

Scotland, as part of the United Kingdom, departed the EU in 2020. However, the travel rules that had existed prior to "BREXIT" are still currently in action, and there is a EU settlement program that allows for EU citizens already in Scotland to continue residency (more details at Scotland.org).

Types of Visas for coming to Scotland

  1. Skilled Worker – sponsored employment by UK business
  2. "Global Talent" Visa – special skills entry - details at gov.uk
  3. Innovator Visa – £50,000 capital business investment and required endorsements from relevant bodies
  4. Investor Visa – a program requiring minimum £2,000,000 investment
  5. UK Ancestry Visa – coming as a citizen of a Commonwealth country with grandparent born in the United Kingdom
  6. Start-up Visa – This is a timed Visa giving a person 2 years to get a business off the ground and then to apply for an "Innovator" Visa in order to continue residency. More about his at the University of Edinburgh website.
  7. Temporary Youth Worker – Must be aged 18 and 30 with £ 2,530 in savings
  8. Student visa – Enrolled at a licensed education institution
  9. Graduate Visa – international students residency program
  10. Standard visitor visa – Details at gov.uk
  11. Retiree of independent means – This requires a personal fund of £25,000 per year. This Visa lasts 5 years, a renewal past that point is possible under the category of "permanent settlement." A person in this category cannot rely on employment or any assistance from UK public funds, and will be required to purchase private health insurance, since they will not be eligible for the national health system. Other requirements can also be added, such as proving a form of personal attachment to the UK through personal relationships, work history, ownership of UK property, or a requirement in other areas. UK Government site page on the retiree Visa.

Fife Scotland

Map of Scotland

Working in Scotland

Railway Bridge Scotland

Legal work in Scotland means obtaining a National Insurance Number (called N.I.N.) which is how you are tracked within the UK system for documenting taxes withheld and other required contributions. To access more information on this see the National Insurance UK web site.

Full-time workers in Scotland are entitled to 28 paid holidays, and some employers provide for additional paid days off.

Seasonal work job board at Reed.co.uk

Scotland Links:

Scottish Government Official Site

UK Immigration Web Site

Glasgow City Council web site

Fife City Council

International Schools

International School Aberdeen

University of Edinburgh


"An American expat in Scotland" blog at Amanda Walkins.com

The Herald Newspaper

The Scotsman

The National

Daily Record

Evening Telegraph – Fife area

Glasgow area – Glasgow area

Youtube – Americans visit Scottish Highlands


* Wikipedia

Rick Steves Scotland 3rd Edition Amazon

Rick Steves Scotland – Amazon

1,228 pages - Kindle eBook and Paperback

AMAZON: The Expert Expat: Your Guide to Successful Relocation Abroad

Original Page March 2021

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