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Archive Page 8

September 2019

Northern Europe dominates rankings for expats


Story focuses on the Danish capital (Copenhagen) which charts high on all kinds of lists about quality of life and happiness. Other locations ranked high are Scandinavian cities and in general all of Northern Europe. Ranking metric includes an ‘isolation’ score regarding ability for expats to enter the social scene of particular areas.

Story at Forbes

Central Copenhagen

2020 "global liveability" report show which European cities offer the best quality of life for expats

Ranking includes list of their "top twenty" which starts off with Copenhagen and ends with Edinburgh at #20. List also compares to the 2019 list. See the whole list at ECA International

Retire to USA from Canada

Cross-border state, financial, and retirement planning isn't simple, though locating to the south of the border is. Appropriate planning can prevent owing taxes and fees in both places simultaneously.

Story at Forbes

Expat Books at Amazon

Millionaire Expat: How To Build Wealth Living Overseas

Expat Secrets: How To Pay Zero Taxes, Live Overseas & Make Giant Piles of Money

U.S. Taxes for Worldly Americans: The Traveling Expat's Guide to Living, Working, and Staying Tax Compliant Abroad (Updated for 2019)

Expat: Leaving the USA For Good

Why We Left An Anthology of American Women Expats

Top expat destinations for 2020

List at Business Insider

The "Blue Zones" where longevity of live span is increased

Research on these islands and lands where extended live spans are found has steadily been increasing and is influencing food and lifestyle choices in places far outside of the actual 'blue zones' themselves.

Story at Business Insider

A 2020 list guide of "best places" for Expat work, according to InterNations

Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, is topping their list.

Article at Yahoo Finance

Online reporting in Thailand for expat residents

Thailand introducing online app called "OSS Foreigner" to enable online expat reporting to meet requirements:

...“OSS Foreigner” app is coming, and you will be able to use it for 90 day reporting, according to the Secretary-General at the office of the PM. Dr Kobsak Pootrakool says the planned app can be used for all immigration reporting, including 90 day reports, adding that typing in the required data and uploading a selfie will accomplish the same result as filling out paperwork at the local immigration office but without having to make the trip there. ...The TM30 form, and its companion, the TM28, have been a source of expat displeasure over the past five months since the immigration department decided to enforce a little-used 1979 law that required foreigners to report their whereabouts...

Story at thethaiger.com

The struggle to make it in Denmark (and Norway)

Expats in the land of the Danes talk about what the ups and downs are at TheLocal.de

"Denmark was voted the world’s best country with regard to working hours, while 81 percent of internationals in Norway said they were happy with the country’s working hours, comparing vary favourably to the 62 percent global average.


One of the negatives described in this profile is that foreigners complain of social isolation amid the native population who have an ambivalent attitude toward foreign workers.

The UK Telegraph newspaper has launched a Facebook based expat group online

Millionaire Expat: How To Build Wealth Living Overseas - Amazon

Haiti expat investing

The experience of working in Haiti - article at wlrn.org

The gentleman discusses being born in Haiti, but raised int he United States, and of going back to this country and finding difficulty and opportunities.

"... I would visit my father's native town up in the [southwestern] hills called Paillant. It was a very majestic, beautiful place where literally, you know, you can reach out your hand in any direction and there's a fruit tree and you can just take it and eat it. I even rode around on a little mule. I was just completely enchanted and I was like, man, this — I want this."

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

The arts oriented world of the resort town of Puerto Vallarta - story at Ten Best

Incidentally, Puerto Vallarta is on the 2019 Conde Naste list for the "Top 10 Small Cities in the World"

Expat tips for Manila - at traveller.com.au

International finance for the expat

Traveling and accessing funds is the question travellers regularly face. Here are some tips:

Profiles of the best banks for international travel – Nerdwallet - they highlight four particular bank systems.

When to get an international account - Magnify Money – tips on avoiding high transaction fees while using plastic abroad

Examples of what international banking is – eFinance Management

Vietnam expat situation ranked highly by HSBC

Ha Long Bay Vietnam

Description lauding the good conditions for "experienced expats" who find a big boost to spending power in Vietnam - story at Vietnamnet.vn

Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

The challenge of health care abroad for Americans

Medicare isn't an option when outside of the USA, so what are the strategies to make up the difference?

Story at BenefitsPro

See more on the Expat Healthcare page

An American's safety increases when traveling abroad

Statistics produce the contrast and it is based on pretty large numbers: 56 million Americans traveled outside of the country last year, and that doesn't even count car trips by Americans into Canada and Mexico, nor the numbers of expats living abroad permanently (US State Dept estimated 9 million or more Americans abroad as expats in 2016). The drawback on the stat-to-stat comparison, though, is that higher crime and violence areas of the United States slant the larger areas against below world-average stats for crime and violence elsewhere in the USA (for example rural areas). Put another way, Detroit, Baltimore, cities in California, etc., radically slant USA stats higher.

Story at QZ.COM

Airport department: the worst?

LAX airport gets pegged as "worst" place to travel through in the world - story at USA Today

Switzerland eclipses Singapore in expat 2019 survey from HSBC

Switzerland Zurich

Singapore had previously polled with the highest ranking for expat locations for the last four years in the HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) annual survey. Story at Marketing Interactive.

UAE changes expat investment rules

Details at menafn.

United Arab Emirates

Retirement in Costa Rica

San Jose Costa RIca

A couple retired and visited forty countries and settled on Costa Rica. Their story at International Living.

The "Best" Countries in the World

A global survey of utilizing information collected by the BAV Group, a unit of global marketing communications company VMLY&R, and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Article at US News & World Report

The top five are: Italy, France , Spain, United States and the U.K.

Working overseas checklist

Story at Expatica has a convenient 10-point list for organizing for expat work.

Beaches and Expats - Mexico

Ranking article at International Living on best beaches mentions how Playa del Carmen is the site of an expat community, and how other beaches meet Western expectations.

The cost of living in Italy

Landscape with Atrani town at famous amalfi coast, Italy

Above: Atrani town at famous Amalfi coast, Italy

June 27, 2019: A brief article with a comparison (with the EU averages) in the major areas of food, transport, internet, housing, and more The Local - Italy

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