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Archive Page 11

February 2021

Buying property in Greece

Story at UK Times [English]

The "misinformation" on expat living

Living Abroad: Challenging the Myths of Expat Life is unique in that it is not a “how-to” book or even a “why to” book. Instead, it is an insider’s look from someone who has lived life abroad and written for travel/retirement publications. Using informative and often amusing examples from his own life and travels, the author tackles questions and myths he has heard in his experiences meeting other expats as well as talking with potential expats via email and at conventions.

Story at WBOC

Getting health care for international workers getting harder to obtain

Story at Employee Benefits

Being an expat business person in Mexico

Story at Mexico News Daily

Why do people relocate?

The curious allure of expat life – What makes a person give up their homeland and relocate somewhere entirely different?

Story at The Australian

Corruption rankings, country-by-country

"Corruption and COVID-19 worsening democratic backsliding"

Ranking at transparency.org

January 28, 2021

Covid and Brexit making headaches for UK expats

Story at UK Express

Feb deadlines for S. Africa expats

Tax issues at The South African

Expats and the "Triple Lock mechanism" of UK pensions

Story at UK Express

Moving from Philadelphia to Chongqing

"I first moved to Chongqing in 2015, but I had visited the city previously. The most striking changes have to be the malls. The growth of malls is nothing short of incredible. Just off the top of my head, I can think of The Oval, The Ring, Aegean, Xin Kong Plaza, IFS, Xing Fu Square, MixCity, and Raffles City. Along with the malls, there seem to be new skyscrapers everywhere I look, and it's not just in the major commercial districts."

Story at China Daily

Crossing from Greece to Ireland by car

One man's story at Irish Times

Saudi Arabia testing engineers before entry

"...to ensure quality of engineering work and to safeguard society."

Story at Saudi Expatriates

Grasping the expat lifestyle

Story at Linked-in

Why expats are coming to Athens

Foreigners long overlooked the Greek capital in favor of the islands. But since the worst years of the Greek economic crisis, Athens has seen an ever-growing stream of foreigners drawn here.

Story at Protothema

The expat experience under Covid

Story at MSN News

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Original Page December 18, 2020

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