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Archive Page 12

March 2021

Singapore distributing vaccine to expats

Story at HCA Mag

Helping expats to understand China

Story at CGTN

Tips for expats emigrating from South Africa

Story at Fin Global

Choosing a bank in Portugal for expats

Story at Portugal Resident

Expats and New Zealand and the pandemic changes

Story at stuff.co.nz

Pricing a retirement in Phuket, Thailand for American expats

Story at The Thaiger

Bangkok Thailand

Covid control and Hong Kong expats

Story at Bloomberg

British expats on Majorca

Story at Majorca Daily Bulletin

What I wish we had known: moving abroad

Conde Naste Traveller "Women Who Travel" podcasts.

As vaccinations increase and the world begins to slowly open up, the idea of becoming a digital nomad—working remotely while traveling every few months to a new destinations—sounds more and more appealing."

Story at CN Traveler

Expats leaving Oman

Registering their exit at Gulf News

Imbroglio between EXPATs and quarantine effort in Hong Kong

Story at Global Times

More Hong Kong: Vaccination bookings in Hong Kong increase - MSN News

South Korea focus on foreign workers for Covid testing

Story at Korea Joongang Daily

How health insurance for expats gets cancelled in Saudi Arabia - Saudi Expatriates

The top locations for working abroad

...The job market has witnessed many changes over the past few months. The Covid-19 pandemic that is being battled across the globe has redefined major operations and processes, placing companies in every industry under pressure to make the transition to virtual workplaces..."

The global job market, and how the jobs themselves work, has been radically changed by the pandemic. Cities, such as Hong Kong, which were perennially on the top of the charts for "preferred global cities" have experienced dramatic drops in that preference, now replaced by other options. The rise of Athens, Greece (for example) is a reflection of that countrie's government intentionally structuring laws to draw in the self-employed global worker and the distance empoyee.

When the pandemic pressures have faded even more, the expectation for other governments to get into a bidding war to draw expat workers and "digital nomads" will probably intensify.

Story at MSN News

With Black Sea and Caucasus Mountains nearby, Georgia becomes hotbed for Digital Nomads

Bridge of Peace over the Kura River in Tbilisi, Georgia

Story at Yahoo News

Tax myths for US Citizens abroad

For Americans living abroad, tax misinformation tends to thrive in online expat communities where incorrect advice is quick to be shared and hard to be corrected, particularly in the age of coronavirus.

Part 1 at Bloomberg Tax

Part 2 at Bloomberg Tax

Expat leaves UAE after 44 years

Story at Gulf News

United Arab Emirates

"I Became an Expat in the Middle of the Pandemic – It Was a Lot Easier Than I Thought" – story at MSN News/Forbes

International Retirement Writer Jim Santos on being expat

The book is unique in that it is not a "how-to" book or even a "why to" book. Instead, it is an insider's look from someone who has lived life abroad and written for travel/retirement publications. Using informative and often amusing examples from his own life and travels, the author tackles questions and myths he has heard in his experiences meeting other expats as well as talking with potential expats via email and at conventions.

Story at Yahoo Finance

"On being a French expat" - Yahoo

Big drop in numbers of international students in USA - VOA News

Being an expat in the Netherlands

Story at I Am Expat

Expat frustration: unrecognized residency cards leads to three days sleeping at airport in Spain

Story at Olive Press

Expat exits from the Gulf States "threatens the economy"

Story at Bloomberg and at Nasdaq

"...GCC countries are experiencing an accelerating shift in the labour market due to an exodus of expatriates" - Trade Arabia

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AMAZON: The Expert Expat: Your Guide to Successful Relocation Abroad

Original Page May 18, 2021

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